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submissions (for issue no. 7)

Note extended deadline for poetry!


"Our sense of beauty was shaped by evolution to embody an awareness of what is difficult as opposed to easy, rare as opposed to common, costly as opposed to cheap, skillful as opposed to talentless, and fit as opposed to unfit."  Geoffrey Miller, The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature



Entelechy: Mind and Culture publishes creative and beautiful work that is:

Concerned with ideas

psychological, philosophical, spiritual, scientific, political, semiotic, memetic, evolutionary, and revolutionary.

Darwin-touched —
Evolutionary fiction and biofiction; Darwinian literary criticism; as well as essays, art, poems, and reviews with evolutionary themes.  

i.e., work which attempts to bridge the arts and humanities with science. Work, then, by artistic and literary scientists; as well as scientific/science-interested writers and artists, and anything in-between and beyond.

e.g., work by artists and writers who want to connect with their audience; who are driven to heal or raise the consciousness of their audience (i.e., who are compelled to affect their audience emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, aesthetically, morally); who are fearless in style and content.


Smart, sexy, hip-ish, creative pieces on the brain, psychology, philosophy, art, religion, spirituality, anthropology, evolutionary theory, evolutionary psychology, neurophilosophy, sociobiology, love, sex, culture, memetics, ad infinitum.

We accept work that isn't sexy, sometimes, but it is always smart. The reverse is not true, i.e., we don't accept sexy work that isn't smart!


All suggestions and ideas and proposals and thoughts and memes and submissions are welcome!



The truth and lies issue:

Send work (other than poetry) related to deception, self-deception, confabulation, and truth and lies, for Spring/Summer issue (No. 7) of Entelechy: Mind & Culture, with a brief cover letter to: (Alice Andrews, editor).


March 1 to April 7 only;

Maximum length: 4,000 words/12 pages;

in Subject line, write only the title of your work(s).

Submit your work as a MS -Word document (preferred), with a brief cover letter.

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please no previously published work.

Notification (either way) in early May.


For artwork, a link to a website is preferable, but up to 3 jpegs is okay, too. (The art should also be related thematically to the issue.)



Send poetry related to truth and lies, etc. (for Spring/Summer issue (No. 7) of Entelechy: Mind & Culture, with a brief cover letter to: (Tim Horvath and Jason Ronstadt, poetry editors; Alice Andrews, editor).


March 1 to April 28 only;

Maximum length: 5 pages; 3 poems;

in the body of an email.

          In Subject line, write the title of your poem(s).
Submit your poem(s) in the body of an email with a very brief cover letter.
          Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please no previously published work.

          Notification (either way) in early May.



2006 Entelechy Biofiction Prize


Two cash prizes will be awarded to the best fiction/creative nonfiction with biological, neurological, psychological and/or evolutionary language and lenses.

1st-place prize for best biofiction dealing with the theme of deception, self-deception, confabulation, and truth and lies: $350 and publication in  online 7th issue.


2nd-place prize for best biofiction (on theme or not): $150 and publication in online 7th issue or a future one.


If Entelechy goes hard copy with this 7th issue (a slight possibility), 5 free copies to each winner.

Enter throughout the month of March, 2006. Entries must be postmarked within March. Winners will be notified on or before May 7, 2006.

International entrants: email Alice Andrews for alternative payment option.


Judge: Rebecca Goldstein.



Complete Contest Guidelines:

Entries must be:
4,000 words or less;
postmarked within March, 2006;
accompanied by a $10 entry fee per story (U.S. currency or money order only).
Please, no personal checks!

Please submit 3 stapled copies of your work without your name on any of the pages.
12-point, double-spaced, standard font is preferred.
Include a separate cover letter with: the title of your story, your name, address, phone number, and email address.

If you would like an acknowledgement of receipt, include a self-addressed, stamped post card.
Entrants retain rights to their stories.
Sorry, but we cannot return manuscripts.


Preliminary judging will be done by editor Alice Andrews (click here for her definition of the term biofiction), under advisement and counsel from biopoeticists, writers, and evolutionary writers. Finalists will be judged by Rebecca Goldstein.


Mail entries to:

Alice Andrews, Psychology - EBP
State University of New York at New Paltz
75 S. Manheim Blvd
New Paltz, NY 12561

* A note from the editor about the term biofiction.



 Alice Andrews |  Editor/Publisher


Alice Andrews (with degrees from Columbia University) teaches psychology with an evolutionary lens at the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she is helping to implement an Evolutionary Studies program modeled on David Sloan Wilson's EvoS program at SUNY Binghamton. She is an editor and writer (books and magazines), and was the associate editor of Chronogram from 2000-2002. She is also the author of Trine Erotic (Vivisphere, 2002), a novel (biofiction) that's used in various college courses nationwide because of its exploration of evolutionary psychology. Alice is currently working on a book (based on her essay with the same title, published at Metanexus) called An Evolutionary Mind (to be published as part of Imprint Academic's series: "Societas: Essays in Political and Cultural Criticism"), and plans to begin writing another novel in the summer of 2006.


                         photo: rick lange


Entelechy is very pleased to welcome Poetry Editors:

Tim Horvath and Jason Ronstadt


Tim Horvath, with an MA in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and a soon-to-be-conferred MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Hampshire, taught high school English for nine years, and currently teaches composition at UNH. Tim is a three-time finalist in Glimmer Train's New Writers Competitions and recently received a prize from UNH for his story "Lax." His interest in cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary psychology has led him to speak at various conferences, including recent and upcoming ones with co-editor Jason Ronstadt on the dreaming-brain and literature. He is currently working on a novel, tentatively entitled Spectra.



Jason Ronstadt teaches Freshman Writing and Screenwriting at New Mexico State University, and is a staff editor for New Mexico State’s literary magazine, Puerto Del Sol. He studied poetry with Charles Simic at The University of New Hampshire, and is the recipient of numerous creative writing awards including the John Scott Douglas Award, and the Thomas Williams Memorial Scholarship. He received an MA in Creative Writing from The University of New Hampshire and is currently studying with Robert Boswell, Kevin McIlvoy and Antonya Nelson at New Mexico State University. He continues work on his first novel and recently gave a presentation at the Poetics-Cognitive Science Colloquy, which was hosted by the Dactyl Foundation in New York City. This April, Jason and Tim Horvath gave a presentation at the First Annual Literature and Cognitive Science Conference at The University of Connecticut.





Rebecca Goldstein |  Judge

 Rebecca Goldstein is a philosopher and novelist, who has taught at Barnard, Rutgers, and Columbia. Currently she is Professor of Philosophy at Trinity College. She is the author of five novels — The Mind-Body Problem, The Late-Summer Passion of a Woman of Mind, The Dark Sister, Mazel, and Properties of Light — and a collection of stories — Strange Attractors. Her most recent book is Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel. Among her honors are two Whiting Foundation Awards (one in philosophy, one in writing), two National Jewish Book Awards, the Edward Lewis Wallant Award, and the Prairie Schooner Best Short Story Award. In 1996 she was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow.





 Copyright   ©   2005     Entelechy: Mind & Culture.  New Paltz,  NY. All rights reserved.