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contributors/no. 6
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Nancy E. Aiken | the role of traditional children's stories in human evolution
Alice Andrews | editor/publisher
Alice Andrews (with degrees from Columbia University) teachespsychology with an evolutionary lens at the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she is helping to implement an Evolutionary Studies program modeled on David Sloan Wilson's EvoS program at SUNY Binghamton.
She is an editor and writer (books and magazines), and was the associate editor of Chronogram from 2000-2002. She is also the author ofTrine Erotic ( Vivisphere, 2002), a novel (biofiction) that's used in various college courses nationwide because of its loration of evolutionary psychology. exp
Alice is currently working on a book (based on her essay with the same title, published at Metanexus) called An Evolutionary Mind ( to be published as part of Imprint Academic's series: "Societas: Essays in Political and Cultural Criticism"), and plans to begin writing another novel in the summer of 2006.
William Benzon | signposts for a naturalist criticism
Bill Benzon’s career runs from cognitive science, through art, music, and the web. He has recently published Beethoven’s Anvil: Music in Mind and Culture and is on the scientific advisory board for the Institute of Music and Neurologic Function in New York City.
He is currently Associate Director at the World Development Endowment Foundation, where he helping to plan and organize an effort to create a educational, cultural, and economic development resource center on Governors Island in New York City's harbor. Previously he was a Senior Scientist with MetaLogics, Inc., where he worked on knowledge representation and information design for web-based health services. In the past Bill has worked as a consultant and freelance writer and has taught on-line with Connected Education. He developed a web-based tribute to Martin Luther King that was recognized by Publisher’s Weekly and a tribute to Rahsaan Roland Kirk that was recognized in Esquire magazine. He has been a consultant to NASA, the U.S. Air Force, New York State, and private sector corporations.
Bill has taught in the Department of Language, Literature, and Communication at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is internationally recognized for his numerous scholarly articles, reviews, and technical reports on African-American music, literary analysis and theory, cultural evolution, cognition and brain theory, visual thinking, and technical communication. In conjunction with Richard Friedhoff he has written a book on computer graphics and image-processing entitled Visualization: The Second Computer Revolution.
As a jazz musician, Bill plays trumpet and flugelhorn and has shared the stage with Dizzy Gillespie, B.B. King, Frank Foster, Al Grey, and Nick Brignola. He is cofounder of the New African Music Collective, a musical ensemble which has been supported by the New York State Foundation for the Arts and he has exhibited computer art in the Fine Arts Museum of Long Island.
Howard Bloom | storm clitoris
Howard Bloom, a recent visiting scholar at the Graduate Psychology Department at New York University and a faculty member at The Graduate Institute, is the author of two books: The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History and Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century. Bloom is the founder of two new fields: mass behavior and paleopsychology.
From 1968 to 1988, Bloom did fieldwork in the world of business and mass media. Bloom edited and art-directed an experimental graphics and literary magazine that won two National Academy of Poets prizes. Bloom worked with most all of the major TV and film companies such as Sony, NBC-TV, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, EMI and Disney, and helped Sony launch its first software operation in the US (Sony Video); and advised the strategists putting together a new venture called MTV.
Bloom’s clients in public relations and career strategy included Michael Jackson, Prince, Bette Midler, John Mellencamp, Bob Marley, David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, and click here for the rest.
Bloom is the founder of: The International Paleopsychology Project, The Big Bang Tango Media Lab; and The Howard Bloom Organization, Ltd. He co-founded Cloud Studio Inc., The Omnology Project, has been a founding board member of the Epic of Evolution Society and founding council member of The Darwin Project; as well as an advisory board member of the Institute for Accelerating Change. He is also the executive editor of The New Paradigm book series.
Chris Cassidy | the role of traditional children's stories in human evolution
Chris Cassidy received her Master's in archaeology in 2003 from the University of Reading and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Missouri-Colombia. Her studies have focused on evolutionary theory and the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition.
Monica d. Church | let's go!
Monica d. Church is a mixed media artist who examines issues of beauty, desire and domesticity. In 2005, her work was included in Photo Austin VI: Lens based work by Women Photographers, Austin, TX, The 8th International Open, Womanmade Gallery, Chicago, IL and the 56th Art of the Northeast USA exhibition at the Silvermine Guild Arts Center in New Canaan, CT where she won The Steven Madwed Memorial Prize for Photography Or Digital Art. In 2004, Church received The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Best in Show Award in the 55th Art of the Northeast USA exhibition also at the Silvermine Guild Arts Center, for a handmade paper installation, Nesting. Juror, Maurice Tuchman, senior curator emeritus at the Los Angeles Museum of Art said of Nesting, "It breathes, it's open, it commands a large space; yet it's fresh and original...a combination of delicacy and boldness."
This spring 2005, Church was a resident fellow at the Women’s Studio Workshop, Rosendale, NY working in intaglio. She was the Dutchess County Arts Council's 2002-03 Individual Artist's fellowship recipient for her works in painting.
Church has taught at Transylvania University, the University of Kentucky, Dutchess Community College, Community College of Vermont, SUNY New Paltz, Marist College, and Vassar College. In 2003 she was a teaching artist for Dia: Beacon.
Church received her BA from Bennington College and her MFA from the University of Kentucky.
To see more of Church’s work visit Quinn the Eskimo and Women's Studio Workshop.
Kathryn Coe | the role of traditional children's stories in human evolution
Kathryn Coe received her PhD from Arizona State University in 1995 in cultural anthropology and evolutionary biology. She has conducted fieldwork in Mexico, Ecuador, Spain, and the Southwestern United States. She has published on art, public health, and Darwinian medicine.
Deborah DeNicola edited the anthology Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology, published in 1999 from The University Press of New England. She is the author of three poetry collections, Where Divinity Begins, (Alice James Press 1994) Psyche Revisited (Embers Magazine Chapbook Award 1992) and Rainmakers (Coyote Love Press 1984). She received The William T. Foley Award in 2000 from America, The Barbara Bradley Award in 1996 from The New England Poetry Club, and was awarded a Poetry Fellowship from The National Endowment for the Arts. Her poems have appeared in The Antioch Review, The Journal, Prairie Schooner, The Louisville Review, The North American Review, Cimarron Review, Orion, and Yankee, among others. She currently teaches in the Creative Arts & Learning Graduate Program for Lesley University.
Dylan Evans | the emperor's new clothes: a revision
Dylan Evans is the author of several popular science books, including Emotion: The Science of Sentiment (Oxford University Press, 2001) and Placebo: The Belief Effect (HarperCollins, 2003). After receiving his PhD in Philosophy from the London School of Economics, he did postdoctoral research in philosophy at King’s College London and in robotics at the University of Bath before moving to the University of the West of England where he is currently Senior Lecturer in Intelligent Autonomous Systems. He writes regularly for Guardian and the Evening Standard, makes frequent appearances on radio and television, and often gives talks at festivals of science and literature. In 2001 he was voted one of the twenty best young writers in Britain by the Independent on Sunday, and was recently described by the Guardian as "Alain de Botton in a lab coat." He also does occasional performances as a DJ at literary events such as the Hay Festival of Literature and the Orange Prize for Fiction.
Paul Hostovsky | wincing at the beautiful
Paul Hostovsky has new poems appearing or forthcoming in Spoon River Poetry Review, Poet Lore, Four Corners, Rock & Sling, White Pelican Review, Ha!, Poetica, Maggid, and online at RogueScholars, Switched-on Gutenberg, NewVerseNews, Perigee, R-KV-R-Y, FRiGG and others. He works as a sign language interpreter at the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf, in Boston.
Elizabeth Insogna | counting my black pearls
Elizabeth Insogna received her BFA in Sculpture at the State University of New York at New Paltz and has received a diploma from the Lorenzo De Medici School of Art in Florence. She is a painter and currently lives and works in NYC. Another painting by Liz, Eryngo in Erebus, appeared in Entelechy's issue no. 4.
Megan JZ | catch me; and woman's sacrifice
Megan JZ arrived in the Hudson Valley in 1977 and received a BS in Visual Arts at the
State University of New York at New Paltz . She also received a degree in language studies from the Universidad Nacional Autonimo de Mexico. During the '80s, Megan was an advocate for migrant farm workers and Guatemalan and El Salvadoran refugees. Currently, Megan writes and creates art, and does healing work. Megan's artwork has appeared in many issues of Entelechy.
James V. Kohl | perfuming the mind: the biological logic of physical attraction
James V. Kohl is considered by many to be the foremost internationally known authority on human pheromones. He continues to present to, and publish for, diverse scientific and lay audiences as new information becomes available. Kohl's 1995 book, Scent of Eros was released in 2002 as an updated paperback edition.
Kohl has worked as a clinical laboratory scientist since 1974, and he has devoted more than sixteen years to researching the relationship between odors and human sexual behavior. He is certified with the National Credentialing Agency for Laboratory Personnel, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, and the American Medical Technologists. He is a member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Mensa, and the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology and the Across-Species Comparisons and Psychopathology Society (a branch of the Psychotherapy Section of the World Psychiatric Association). Kohl developed his public speaking skills as a former member of Toastmasters International. He began presenting his findings to the scientific community in 1992 and continues to do so, while constantly monitoring the scientific presses for new information that is relevant to the concept of human pheromones. He was invited to participate during the prestigious International Behavioral Development Symposium: Biological Basis of Sexual Orientation and Sex-Typical Behavior (1995), which is reported here: "... 89 scientists participated... [T]he conference was... the first to assemble virtually all the top researchers in the field." Kohl returned to participate in the equally prestigious second International Behavioral Development Symposium held in 2000, and will return for the third symposium in 2005. His 2001 peer-reviewed journal publication (with distinguished colleagues from Vienna) detailed the role of pheromones in heterosexual attraction, and received The Zdenek Klein award (diploma and medal) for the best paper linking neuroendocrinology and ethology.P. P. Levine | poetry editor
P.P. (Phillip) Levine is a poet, actor, director, yurt dweller. He is the poetry editor for the Hudson Valley magazine Chronogram, has been the host for three years of the Monday night Poetry/ Prose/ Performance open-mic at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock, NY, and is the president of the Woodstock Poetry Society. Phillip is a four-year alumnus of the Chenango Valley Writers' Conference and was a scholarship attendee and invited reader in 2002. He was a featured poet at both the 2001 and 2002 Woodstock Poetry Festivals and competed in the 2000 National Poetry Slam.
Craig T. Palmer | the role of traditional children's stories in human evolution
Robert Perchan | late blooming
Robert Perchan’s poems, stories and essays have appeared in scores of literary journals in the USA and abroad and a number of them have been included in anthologies published by Dell, Black Sparrow, City Lights and Global City Press. His prose poem novella Perchan’s Chorea: Eros and Exile (Watermark Press, Wichita, 1991) was translated into French and published by Quidam Editeurs (Meudon) in 2002. His poetry collection Fluid in Darkness, Frozen in Light won the 1999 Pearl Poetry Prize and was published by Pearl Editions the following year. Most recently his poetry chapbook manuscripts Overdressed to Kill and Mythic Instinct Afternoon were winners of the 2005 Weldon Kees Poetry Chapbook Prize (Backwaters Press, Omaha) and the 2005 Poetry West Press Poetry Chapbook Prize (Colorado Springs) respectively and will be brought out later in the year. He is currently Professor of English at Dong-A University in Pusan, South Korea. “Late Blooming” is one of a suite of prose poems on hominid evolution included in Fluid in Darkness, Frozen in Light.
Ronald Pies | leo in the attic
Ronald Pies MD is a physician, writer and poet who lives in the Boston area. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Tufts University, and has written extensively on professional issues. He is also the author of Creeping Thyme, a collection of poetry (Brandylane Publishing); and Zimmerman's Tefillin, a short story collection (PublishAmerica). Dr. Pies is also author of The Ethics of the Sages (Rowman & Littlefield), an interfaith commentary on a tractate of the Talmud.
Megan Pinch | untitled
(tomatillo, opening)
Megan Pinch is an artist working primarily in black-and-white photography. She has also worked with alternative processes, artist's books, digital imaging, and mixed media. Her images have been displayed in more than thirty solo and group shows throughout the United States. Megan has received numerous awards, most recently including a fellowship in photography at Women's Studio Workshop. She attended graduate school at Rochester Institute of Technology and Visual Studies Workshop, where she received her Master of Fine Arts degree in 2001. She has taught photography, bookmaking, web design, and digital imaging at many different places in Massachusetts and New York. Currently, Megan is an Assistant Professor of Photography at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.
Ellen Salle | the alien planet of sex with a new man
Ellen Salle is the pseudonym of a science writer living in Maine. She has published numerous science articles in popular journals and magazines. Her previous story "Arctic Refuge" was published in Entelechy's 4th issue.
Jay Santini | the closerJay Santini lives in Rockland, Massachusetts. His poetry and fiction appear in a number of print and online journals, including Cautionary Tale, Front Street Review, Modern Haiku, The Heron's Nest, World Haiku Review, and others.
Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb | the affiliate: an ecology of biophilic values
Yvette A. Schnoeker-Shorb's poetry has appeared in Weber Studies, Wild Earth, The Midwest Quarterly, The Blueline Anthology (Syracuse University Press), Karamu, Poem, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Roux Magazine, Eureka Literary Magazine, So to Speak: A Feminist Journal of Language and Art, Hawai'i Pacific Review, The Chaffin Journal, Slant: A Journal of Poetry, Mid-America Poetry Review, Puerto del Sol, Rive Gauche, and many other journals, with work forthcoming in A Journal of the Built and Natural Environments, Rainbow Curve, Eclipse, and The Village Rambler, among others. She works as a mentor and as co-editor of the Sustainable Ways Newsletter at Prescott College and as co-publisher of Native West Press (which publishes small, edited collections of works from authors and poets in both the arts and the sciences in an effort to enhance public awareness of natural biodiversity within the American West). Her BA degrees are in English/Linguistics and in Wildlife Studies, and she holds an interdisciplinary MA in Ecosemantics.
Lynn Strongin | camille: child of divorce
Lynn Strongin was born in New York City but has made British Columbia, Canada her home for the past 25 years, taking advantage of British dialects to enrich her work. In the 1960s, she worked for Denise Levertov in politically active Berkeley. Her poems have been published in several countries including: Italy, England, Canada, Scotland and the USA. She has published 7 books, and her work is in 30 anthologies, and 55 journals (online and in print). She is also the recipient of two PEN grants, and one NEA creative writing grant. Journals her poetry has appeared in include: Shenandoah, The American Voice, Prairie Schooner, and Poetry. Her anthology The Sorrow Psalms: A Book of Twentieth Century Elegy will be published by the University of Iowa Press in 2006; and she will have a forthcoming summer feature in Action.
Todd I. Stark | boggling the mind
Todd I. Stark is a computer consultant and freelance medical and science writer. He is also an obsessive reader and has written hundreds of book reviews for Amazon. His formal background is in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, and psychology at Drexel University. His academic interests include hypnosis and suggestibility research, social psychology, and most recently, evolutionary approaches to behavioral science. Todd briefly moderated the HBE-L list on Yahoo for discussions in evolutionary psychology. He also wrote a book review for Entelechy's 2nd issue.
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