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submissions   (for summer, issue no. 9)



"Our sense of beauty was shaped by evolution to embody an awareness of what is difficult as opposed to easy, rare as opposed to common, costly as opposed to cheap, skillful as opposed to talentless, and fit as opposed to unfit." 
Geoffrey Miller
, The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature


Smart, sexy, hip-ish, creative pieces on the brain, psychology, philosophy, art, religion, spirituality, anthropology, evolutionary theory, evolutionary psychology, neurophilosophy, sociobiology, love, sex, culture, memetics, ad infinitum. We accept work that isn't sexy, sometimes, but it is always smart. (The reverse is not true, i.e., we don't accept sexy work that's not smart!) All ideas and proposals and thoughts and memes are welcome!


Send work (other than poetry) for Summer issue (No.9) of Entelechy: Mind & Culture, with a brief cover letter to: andrewsa@newpaltz.edu (Alice Andrews, editor).

ubmit any time:

maximum length: 4,000 words/22 pages (double-spaced).

In the Subject line of your email, write the title of your work(s).

Submit your work as a Word document (preferred).

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please no previously published work.

Notification (either way) in May.


Important formatting guidelines for prose:


Please, instead of tabs and indentations, keep all paragraphs flush-left with a space between them. (See this piece for an example.)

Instead of double-dashes and en-dashes, use when appropriate the em-dash. (Entelechy's style is to give the em-dash space on either side.)



Send poetry  (for Summer issue (No. 9) of Entelechy: Mind & Culture, with a brief cover letter to:

horvathon@aol.com (Tim Horvath, poetry editor).

Submit any time:


maximum length: 5 pages; 3 poems.

In Subject line, write the title of your poem(s).

Submit your poem(s) in the body of an email.

Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please no previously published work.

Notification (either way) in May.


For artwork, a link to a website is preferable, but up to 3 jpegs is okay, too.




 Alice Andrews |  Editor/Publisher


Alice Andrews (with philosophy and psychology degrees from Columbia University) teaches psychology with an evolutionary lens at the State University of New York at New Paltz, where she is helping to implement an Evolutionary Studies program modeled on David Sloan Wilson's EvoS program at SUNY Binghamton. She is an editor and writer (books and magazines), and was the associate editor of Chronogram from 2000-2002. She is also the author of Trine Erotic, a novel that's been used in various college courses nationwide because of its exploration of evolutionary psychology. Alice is currently working on a book (based on her essay with the same title, published at Metanexus) called An Evolutionary Mind (to be published as part of Imprint Academic's series: "Societas: Essays in Political and Cultural Criticism"), and plans to begin writing another novel soon.




                         photo: rick lange








 Tim Horvath |  Poetry Editor

Tim Horvath received his MA in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and will soon finish his MFA in Creative Writing at the University of New Hampshire. He taught high school English for nine years, and currently teaches Creative Nonfiction at UNH. Tim's story "The Understory" won the 2006 Raymond Carver Prize sponsored by Carve Magazine, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. His interest in cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary psychology has led him to give talks at various conferences, including ones with Jason Ronstadt on the dreaming brain and literature. His novel-in-progress, currently entitled Goodbye in Many Languages, involves conservatory musicians, goth kids, chemists, potters, alienated actors, and rhesus monkeys. His stories have been published or are forthcoming in pacificREVIEW, Seventh Quark, The Journal of Caribbean Literatures, Cranky, and The Abiko Annual. He can be found at www.timhorvath.com.





Copyright © 2006   Entelechy: Mind & Culture. New Paltz, NY. All rights reserved.