no. 5
Alice Andrews | editor/founder
Alice Andrews teachespsychology with an evolutionary lens at the State University of New York at New Paltz. She is an editor and writer (books and magazines), and was the associate editor of Chronogram from 2000-2002. She is also the author ofTrine Erotic ( Vivisphere, 2002), a novel (biofiction) that is used in various college courses nationwide because of its behavioral science themesloration of evolutionary psychology. and exp
Howard Bloom | the roots of omnology
Howard Bloom, a recent visiting scholar at the Graduate Psychology Department at New York University and a faculty member at The Graduate Institute, is the author of two books: The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History and Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bang to the 21st Century. Bloom is the founder of two new fields: mass behavior and paleopsychology.
From 1968 to 1988, Bloom did fieldwork in the world of business and mass media. Bloom edited and art-directed an experimental graphics and literary magazine that won two National Academy of Poets prizes. Bloom worked with most all of the major TV and film companies such as Sony, NBC-TV, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, EMI and Disney, and helped Sony launch its first software operation in the US (Sony Video); and advised the strategists putting together a new venture called MTV.
Bloom’s clients in public relations and career strategy included Michael Jackson, Prince, Bette Midler, John Mellencamp, Bob Marley, David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, and click here for the rest.
Bloom is the founder of: The International Paleopsychology Project, The Big Bang Tango Media Lab; and The Howard Bloom Organization, Ltd. He co-founded Cloud Studio Inc., has been a founding board member of the Epic of Evolution Society and founding council member of The Darwin Project; and is executive editor of The New Paradigm book series.
Joseph Carroll | literature as social interaction
Joseph Carroll teaches English at the University of Missouri
— St. Louis. He has written books on Matthew Arnold and Wallace Stevens and has produced an edition of Darwin's Origin of Species. In Evolution and Literary Theory (1995), he integrated concepts from Darwinian social science with concepts from traditional literary study, and he used that set of ideas as a framework within which to criticize and reject poststructuralist literary theory. In subsequent essays (collected in Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature, 2004), he has continued to develop methods for Darwinian literary study. Most recently, he has been engaged in collaborative work for the statistical analysis of motives and traits in hundreds of characters from Victorian novels. Many of his essays are available on his website.
Greg Darms | ultima ratio regum
Greg Darms teaches Science and English in Astoria, Oregon, where he lives on a hundred-year-old float house near the mouth of the Columbia River. He is working on Prima Materia, a fragmentary manuscript involving text and drawings, partially in the tradition of the early naturalists (Charles Darwin's Red Notebook). His poems have been published recently in VOLT, Isotope, The Diagram, and Wild Earth. He edited the literary magazine convolvulus from 1991 to 2005.
Adrian Flange | p
uer aeternus Adrian Flange is the pseudonym of a notorious primatologist. His story "White Fur" was published in the 4th issue of Entelechy.
Miriam Fried | f
uture perfect Miriam Fried's stories have appeared in Cafe Irreal, The Baltimore Review, and The North Central Review; and are forthcoming from Unbound and The Absinthe Literary Review. She is a graduate of Swarthmore College and of Temple University, where she received the 2004 Frances Israel Manuscript Prize for a collection of short stories. She lives in London.
Nancy W. Hall | c
hildren's classics for a new age Nancy W. Hall (degrees from the University of the South and Yale University) haunts the Hudson Valley, but she really lives in southern Connecticut, where she writes articles and books on child development, family policy, and health, as well as essays and humor. She's a media consultant for the Edward Zigler Center for Child Development and Social Policy, and the founder of Floating Ink Writers’ Workshop. A mystery novel and any number of nonfiction books are in the works.
Bradley Earle Hoge | flores man
Bradley Earle Hoge's most recent poetry appears in The Ephemera, The Dead Mule, DOJ (Drexel Online Journal), Chaffin Journal, Square Lake, The Fossil Record, and Limestone. More is upcoming in Tar Wolf Review, Talking River and anthologies from Pudding House Press, Salt Marsh Pottery Press, SunShine Press Publications, Ltd and The Plymouth Writers Group. Brad lives in Spring, Texas with his wife and three children. He teaches natural science at the University of Houston - Downtown.
Megan JZ | untitled
Megan JZ came to the Hudson Valley in 1977 and received a BS in Visual Arts at the
State University of New York at New Paltz . She also received a degree in language studies from the Universidad Nacional Autonimo de Mexico. During the '80s, Megan was an advocate for migrant farm workers and Guatemalan and El Salvadoran refugees. Currently, Megan writes and creates art, and does healing work. Megan's artwork has appeared in two previous issues of Entelechy.
P. P. Levine | poetry editor
P.P. (Phillip) Levine is a poet, actor, director, yurt dweller. He is the poetry editor for the Hudson Valley magazine Chronogram, has been the host for three years of the Monday night Poetry/ Prose/ Performance open-mic at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock, NY, and is the president of the Woodstock Poetry Society. Phillip is a four-year alumnus of the Chenango Valley Writers' Conference and was a scholarship attendee and invited reader in 2002. He was a featured poet at both the 2001 and 2002 Woodstock Poetry Festivals and competed in the 2000 National Poetry Slam.
Chris Metze | transmission
Chris Metze is a dual citizen of the United States and Canada. Born in 1973, he grew up in both Montreal, Quebec and Brooklyn, New York. He studied painting and sculpture at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in Vancouver, British Columbia. Chris Metze currently lives and paints in Woodstock, NY.
John A. Musacchio | don't jump too soon
John A. Musacchio is a senior at Cornell University in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. His fiction has been published in The3rdegree Webzine and Positive Teens Magazine; and his nonfiction articles have been published in The Ontario Provincial Standards Companion and Jade Dragon Online Magazine. He has also worked as a freelance press release writer since 2002. He plans to begin law school in Fall 2005.
Jenny Nelson | green symphony
Jenny Nelson grew up in the North Eastern corner of Connecticut. At an early
age she was recognized for placement in an advanced art program. She attended the Maine College of Art in Portland, ME and graduated with a BFA from Bard College, where she received a scholarship to the Lacoste School of the Arts in France. For the last 12 years she has been living and working in Woodstock, NY and is currently an Artist in Residence at the Byrdcliffe Art Colony in Woodstock. Her work has been shown widely in the New England and Hudson Valley regions, including the Coffey Gallery in Kingston, NY and the Carrie Haddad Gallery in Hudson, NY.
Rupert Sheldrake | m
orphic fields and morphic resonance Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of more than 75 scientific papers and 10 books. A former Research Fellow of the Royal Society, he studied natural sciences at Cambridge University, where he was a Scholar of Clare College, took a double first class honors degree and was awarded the University Botany Prize. He then studied philosophy at Harvard University, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow, before returning to Cambridge, where he took a PhD in biochemistry. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, where he
read moreBooks by Rupert Sheldrake:
A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (1981)
The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature (1988)
The Rebirth of Nature: The Greening of Science and God (1992)
Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science (1994) - Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Institute for Social Inventions
Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home, and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals (1999) - Winner of the Book of the Year Award from the British Scientific and Medical Network
The Sense of Being Stared At, And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind (2003)
Iva Spitzer | baboons in botswana
Iva Spitzer has been taking photographs for over 25 years and has had a highly successful career as a real estate broker in Manhattan for almost 20 years. She has traveled extensively throughout the world, but has spent the past 11 years exclusively in Southern and East Africa. Initially self-taught, she has studied at the International Center for Photography in New York City and one-on-one with some of the best wildlife photographers in both the United States and Africa. She has shown her work in various venues in Manhattan and is widely published. Although she sells her images commercially, most of the proceeds are donated to various organizations dedicated to conservation throughout Africa. She spent this past August at the Wild Dog Research Camp in the Okavango Delta, Botswana and hopes to focus next on efforts to help this most endangered of all African predators.
H.D. Steklis | the dark side
Dr. H. Dieter Steklis holds the rank of Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey, where he served as a faculty member from 1974 until 2004, and as chairman of the Department of Anthropology from 1983-1991. Currently, he serves as Vice-President and Chief Scientist for The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International (DFGFI), a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and protection of mountain gorillas in Central-East Africa. He joined the fund in 1991, serving as Director of the Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda until 1993, and subsequently as the Fund’s Executive Director (1993-1995) before assuming his role as Vice-President and Chief Scientist. Dr. Steklis and his family reside outside Tucson, AZ, and, in 1997, he was appointed as a "Visiting Scholar" on a continuing basis in the Department of Anthropology, at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Steklis received his Ph.D. in 1974 from the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied primatology. He has spent over 30 years engaged in laboratory and field research on the behavioral biology of monkeys and great apes, including studies of the behavioral ecology of free-ranging chimpanzees in eastern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo).
Dr. Steklis has authored or edited over 75 scientific publications, including five books. He served as the editor of the scientific journal, American Journal of Primatology, and is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Since 1991, his research has focused on mountain gorilla behavioral ecology and conservation in the Virunga volcanoes region of Central — East Africa. Along with his wife and fellow primatologist (Netzin Gerald Steklis), his aim has been to better understand the connections between behavior, life history, ecology and conservation of the mountain gorilla. Their work has been featured in national and international magazines, on numerous television broadcasts (including National Geographic) and radio programs, and they lecture frequently to varied audiences across the country.
David Tucker | three girls a comin'
David Tucker has been a cowboy, a truck driver, a poet, an executive, a ditch digger, a novelist, a cheat, a dish washer, a builder, a hay buck. He has been wealthy, homeless, a football star, a playwright, a carpenter, a coward, an organic farmer, a fraternity boy, a hippie, a bus boy, a developer, a baseball prodigy, a brick layer, a fruit picker, a thief and much, much more.
He has had lots of wives, lots of lovers, lots of children, lots of grandchildren, lots of friends, lots of enemies, lots of heartbreak, one healing consort, and lots of ecstatic joy.
He has been a civil rights worker, a cult leader, a peace activist, a Buddhist, a Jew, a hero, a labor organizer, a Spiritual leader, a philanderer, a community builder, a Muslim, a Christian, a dreamer, a rebel, and his heart pants from the steep climb closer and closer to the face of God.
And across all these threads, his mind flicks back and forth, back and forth, and little by little patterns emerge: the poems and the novels about his quest for the secret, about his joy of existence, about his jubilation over the deep things of sex, about all the mystery that arises and takes shape at the point of genesis where his pick strikes the rock of illusion, and his true self emerges.
Pauline Uchmanowicz | in search of positivism
Pauline Uchmanowicz is Associate Professor of English and director of Writing Across the Curriculum at
the State University of New York at New Paltz . Her poetry chapbook Sand & Traffic (Codhill Press) and her textbook Considering Cultural Difference (Longman) were published in 2004. Her poems and essays have appeared in many national publications, including Ploughshares, Crazyhorse, Ohio Review, Mudfish, The Massachusetts Review, and Z Magazine. She has published scholarly articles in College English, Writing Program Administration, Literature and Psychology, and elsewhere. In addition, Pauline is a widely published freelance writer in the Hudson Valley, and a food columnist for The Woodstock Times. She was recently awarded a SUNY-wide Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence.
Lindsey Vona | ready to look
Lindsey Vona lives on the Big Island of Hawaii at Earthsong Sanctuary where she practices several world-wisdom traditions based in cultivating non-dual awareness and essence. Her time is is spent writing poetry, prose and songs, helping to build houses, care for the land, nurturing her pet graphic design business, surfing, and occasionally playing with baby goats. Her poetry has also appeared in Chronogram magazine.
Copyright © 2005 Entelechy: Mind & Culture. New Paltz, NY. All rights reserved.