Entelechy: Mind & Culture; issue no 5






 contributors             editors' musings             links                about entelechy                 back issues                 submissions



Alice Andrews
Bill Bakaitis
Celia Bland
Howard Bloom
Natalie Bronstein
James Brody
Joseph Carroll
Jennifer Cazenave
Frank Craig
Greg Darms
Wyatt Ehrenfels
Adrian Flange
Miriam Fried
Bjorn Grinde
Nancy W. Hall
Bradley Earle Hoge
Elizabeth Insogna
John A. Johnson
C.L. Jones
Robert Kelly
Laura Kipnis
Sharmagne Leland-St. John
P.P. Levine
Megan J.Z.
Chris Metze
Jeff Miller

(click on title or scroll down 'zine)  

 spring/summer 2005

The Dark Side |  h.d. steklis
Three Girls A Comin' |  david tucker
Ultima Ratio Regum 
| greg darms
Ready to Look 
|  lindsey vona 
Flores Man
|  bradley earle hoge
Future Perfect
|  miriam fried
Puer Aeternus |  adrian flange
Don't Jump Too Soon
| john a. musacchio
Morphic Fields and
Morphic Resonance
| rupert sheldrake
 Literature as Social Interaction |  joseph carroll
The Roots of Omnology
|  howard bloom
 In Search of Positivism|  pauline uchmanowicz
Children's Classics for a New Age
| nancy w. hall
Green Symphony |  jenny nelson
| chris metze

Rich Murphy
John A. Musacchio
Jenny Nelson
Jill Parisi
Gretchen Primack
Irene Pérez
Marnia Robinson
Jennifer Ryan
Natalie Safir
E. M. Salle
Rupert Sheldrake
Joseph Shohan
David Livingstone Smith
Todd I. Stark
H.D. Steklis
Jason Stern
Iva Spitzer
Paula Superti
David Tucker
George Wallace
George Williamson
Jannie Wolff
John Wymore
Pauline Uchmanowicz
Lindsey Vona

psychological    philosophical    spiritual    scientific    political    mathematical    semiotic   memetic    postmodern    evolutionary    revolutionary


contents/no. 5




The Dark Side

h.d. steklis





Baboons in Botswana
, 2002                                        Iva Spitzer


We’ve come to study baboons by day,

To an isle in a river where the lechwe play.

The question before us is not why baboons ignore us,

For that they most certainly do.


But rather, the one, of when in a troop there’s a coup,

And a newcomer male has seized control,

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Three Girls A Comin'

david tucker


She weighed 192 pounds,
her ankles
oozed over her shoes.
She had facial hair
and butt hair
but when I came,
her orgasm
rushed across the room
to dance with mine.
Two stars
from a 40s movie
gliding across the terrace

She pouted,
she talked and talked
about her problems,
gifted artist,
drank too much,
didn’t like my dog,
didn’t like her self.

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Ultima Ratio Regum°

on announcement of intention to attack)

greg darms





Little medusa, what do you have to do
with the killing brought on by killing?

You are free swimming, little more
than floating in your own necessity,

unknown as any fauna overlooked
in a complex system, by a higher order,

until stirred from your place in the warm mud
waters by my warm cupped hand.

And what have the ubiquitous sea slug,


°The last argument of kings
(Engraved on French cannon by order of Louis XIV.)

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Ready to Look

lindsey vona




What I’m ready to look at now is
sex with a punching bag on the side.
Unsafe edges, the rage of my resistances,
lost aspects of the self
disengaged, denied.
I’m not ready for anyone to touch me.
I’m not ready to hear that you love me.
This naked divide of ocean

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Flores Man°

bradley earle hoge




Imagine an island
paradise miniature elephants
miniature horses
no thought of an outside
world.  You have enjoyed
isolation for so long
you have evolved
small.  You have come
to believe
yours is the only
legitimate world.

And then a giant steps

 °Homo floresiensis

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Future Perfect

miriam fried

  Leonie skimmed through, folding back promising pages and humming. She felt that her search for desirable male material linked her in some mystical way to all the women of the past. But unlike them, Leonie would be able to adjust for mistakes. That was the genius of modern technology, and a money-back guarantee.


At one time, it was common for parents to be surprised by suicidal daughters and half-wit second sons. Much later it became possible for doctors to run expensive tests on pregnant women right after conception and predict, accurately and in detail, the nature of the child expected to emerge. What happened to the pregnancy after the tests was up to you. The effect was that attractive politicians were no longer forced to display

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Puer Aeternus°

adrian flange

Well, she didn’t always exactly say no. Sometimes it was no and sometimes it was maybe; which really meant no — at least to Peter, whose brain chemistry only did yes and no, black and white, hot and cold.

Lament for Icarus                      
H. Druper


 K.E. was a woman who pondered strange things, like how mutations in the pleckstrin homology domain of dynamin 2 caused dominant intermediate Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and why nasturtium leaves smelled like cocaine. This is what Peter lovingly typed on his computer with a smile. What an absurd beginning to "Puer Aeternus" he thought to himself, and got back into bed, his mind and energy wandering, restless. Sure, he had finally just had a night of pretty good conjugal sex after months of nothing, but it wasn’t

°Eternal Boy


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Don't Jump Too Soon

john a. musacchio

                                                 Megan JZ

...but a sudden burst of something exploded from his heart and his veins and his brain and his gut with a feeling that a bomb had gone off inside of him.


"Well, hello there!" Her voice was as sweet as dew-dripping honey, as cool as an autumn breeze; this breeze blew ever so softly against his olfactory, as if its intention were to rustle the fallen leaves and create an October symphony within the confines of his eardrums.

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Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance

rupert sheldrake

Ernst Haeckel Tafel, 06





I believe that the natural selection of habits will play an essential part in any integrated theory of evolution, including not just biological evolution, but also physical, chemical, cosmic, social, mental and cultural evolution.

Habits are subject to natural selection; and the more often they are repeated, the more probable they become, other things being equal. Animals inherit the successful habits of their species as instincts. We inherit bodily, emotional, mental and cultural habits, including the habits of our

In the hypothesis of formative causation, discussed in detail in my books A New Science of Life and The Presence of the Past, I propose that memory is inherent in nature. Most of the so-called laws of nature are more like habits.

My interest in evolutionary habits arose when I was engaged in research in developmental biology, and was reinforced by reading Charles Darwin, for whom the habits

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Literary authors present us with realized images of multiple states of mind of egos conscious of themselves and others. ...We read and write literature, at least in part, because it is the most specialized means by which we can exercise a vital adaptive faculty — that of envisioning multiple points of view, of playing with theory of mind. Through novels and plays we exercise that capacity the way athletes or musicians exercise their special skills.



Very few evolutionary social scientists have offered any view of literary study, and fewer still have made reference to what Darwinian literary scholars have had to say on this subject. In that respect, Human Evolutionary Psychology, a textbook by Barrett, Dunbar, and Lycett, is something of a breakthrough.  More importantly, the authors make a proposition about literature that points us shrewdly toward a central link between evolutionary cognitive science and the traditional literary concept of “point of view.” They suggest that “individuals’ literary skills

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The Roots of Omnology

howard bloom

                                                                       howard bloom


Omnology” — an academic base for the promiscuously curious, a discipline that concentrates on seeing the patterns that emerge when one views all the sciences and the arts at once.



Back in 2001, I wrote a manifesto for a new discipline, “Omnology,” a field for those with a gaggle of curiosities and with the potential to use their multiple intellectual and artistic hungers to provide unusual perspectives to the scientific community.


At least two major figures tried to establish their own forms of omnology in the 19th century. One was Herbert Spencer, who devoted his life to the creation of a Grand Synthesis that


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In Search of Positivism


pauline uchmanowicz



photo: carla rozman



Despite my general misgivings that Joseph Carroll’s literary analyses offer genuinely radical departures from New Criticism and other formalist approaches, Literary Darwinism is nonetheless a singular accomplishment.


How did human life and human nature in their complexities come to exist? How does this combined humanness differ from the tendencies of other species? What are brains for? Charles Darwin famously answered these questions in The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (1871), a work in which the theory of evolution, first promulgated in On the Origin of Species (1859), was explicitly extended to the one species humans tend to find the most interesting their own. Though widely accepted among biologists today, Darwinian theory has been challenged since inception, most recently by the so-called theory of

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Children's literature is no longer the exclusive domain of amiable bears  and purple crayons, if ever it was. On the contrary, kid lit has finally been exposed as the dark, unsettling, unsavory, undeniably captivating world that it is and has been for some time.”
                                          — David Templeton, North Bay Bohemian

The Cat in the Hat Comes Back: Two truant, latchkey children are terrorized by a recidivist housebreaking feline grifter who manipulates and dominates the youngsters as he wreaks havoc, reducing their small home to near rubble through escalating acts of vandalism.  Eventually they succumb to Stockholm syndrome and identify with their captor, colluding in his attempts to force 26 undocumented
aliens. ...
Warning: graphic depictions of fish abuse.    

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Green Symphony

jenny nelson




28" x 22"
oil on canvas




As with any attempt to tell a story, it is necessary to begin with a rough draft. The first draft of a painting is made up of my initial attempts to create shapes. I begin with loose lines. The first layer is usually very unconscious and free flowing to build a foundation from which a composition can grow. As the painting progresses, I try to maintain the feeling of these first unconstrained brush strokes, finding a balance between areas of movement and areas of rest. Each painting has three to ten layers. In this way each piece has a history of various compositions underneath it, which may have existed for weeks or merely hours. During these different phases I
find myself in lively conversations with the canvas, focusing
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chris metze


42" x 36"
acrylic & graphite on canvas



The elements in my paintings are composed of shapes that are indistinct. They may appear to be something specific, but that remains in question. This uncertainty, as well as their interaction within what appears to be a landscape, activates a duality which is at the core of my work: The knowable and the unknowable.... I strive to bring into balance the common abstract nature that allows all things to relate to each other, on a stage that is removed from specific meanings.”




editors' musings





p.p. levine   |   poetry editor


Woodstock Poetry Society
Poets Wear Prada
At Chronogram



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 Copyright   ©   2005   Entelechy: Mind & Culture.  New Paltz,  NY. All rights reserved.